© Copyright British Slot Car Racing Association , 2015 Photo copyright C.Frost All rights reserved
The 2015 1/32 Nationals for Individual Saloon, F1 and Sports was on 1st-
Congratulations to the new National Champions Graeme Stephenson, Chris Thomas and
James Cleave,, to the main grade winners Sandy Parker, Keith Packer, and to Nick
Clements who won main grade F1 and the novice / clubman production saloon -
Thanks to Alan, Pat, Keith and all the others who made this such a great event and a special thank you to race controller Kev Gray and race director Rob Lees.
The 2015 1/32 Nationals for Club Teams, Production, Production Challenge and F2 was held a Fylde Rugby Club, Lytham St Annes
Congratulations to the new National Champions Rockingham Slot Car Club, Nationla Production Champion Nick Clements and double winner Paul Shepherd who won the Production Challenge and F2
Thanks to Steve, David and all the others who made this such a great event and a special thank you to race controller Kev Gray.
1/32 Nationals 2015
The BSCRA X Track at Ratho