Two British Open Championships are run by the BSCRA, one for 1/32 slot cars and one for 1/24 slot cars. Three classes of car are run at each round. These championships are run to BSCRA rules and the following rules.
Championship Points
The championships are decided on the following points scoring system. The points are awarded in each class as follows.
British Open Championship (BOC) Rules
Position |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th |
12th |
13th |
14th |
15th |
16th |
17th |
18th |
19th |
20th |
Points |
50 |
47 |
45 |
43 |
41 |
39 |
37 |
35 |
33 |
31 |
30 |
29 |
28 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
22 |
21 |
Position |
21st |
22nd |
23rd |
24th |
25th |
26th |
27th |
28th |
29th |
30th |
31st |
32nd |
33rd |
34th |
35th |
36th |
37th |
38th |
39th |
40th |
Points |
20 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
NOTE Points are scored for overall finishing positions. The points system has been simplified for 2022
At each meeting each competitors best two scores are added. This gives the competitors score for that meeting. (so for example a driver finishing 5th, 6th and 7th in the 3 classes would count the scores from the 5th and 6th place 41+39 = 80 points for that round)
In the event of a tie, the competitors take the average points, (so for example two
driver finishing joint 4th would receive the average of the points for 4th (43 points)
and 5th (41 points) -
The number of rounds to count is decided at the beginning of each season.
Competitors will only be eligible for BOC points if they are registered BSCRA members on the day of the meeting.
1/32 BOC (updated for 2025)
There are separate points for visitors and locals/club members. Local/home drivers score 1st place 50 points, 47 for second etc. The 1st Visiting driver scores 50 points and so on.
BSCRA registered members of the host club are eligible for Local/home driver points A driver is eligible for home/visitor points at a maximum of 1 round per season. Drivers who have run on the track in the 2 month prior to the meeting and are NOT BSCRA registered members of the host club are eligible to run at a meeting and score “home member/ local” points providing they have NOT scored “home member/ local” points at another round in the same season.
BSCRA members who are not BSCRA registered members of the host club and have not run on the track in the 2 month prior to the meeting are eligible to run and score visiting driver points
There will also be a main grade championship open to all drivers except premier grade using the same scoring system as the overall championship.
Restricted class A sub class championship for racers using Intro 32 cars with appropriate class bodies for Saloon & Sports and F2 cars in Grand Prix which will be open to any racers who have never been Premier Grade. This was successfully used in 2022 and will continue to be used.
1/24 BOC
For a 5 round 1/24 BOC series the results from each competitors best 4 meetings are added to give the overall position. For a 4 round 1/24 BOC series the results from each competitors best 3 meetings are added to give the overall position. There is no restriction on home members competing. .
In a typical 1/24 BOC meeting on an 8 lane track each driver has a 1 min qualifying run with the fastest lap to count. The 8 fastest qualifiers go to the A final, the 9th to 16th qualifiers to the B final etc. In the segmented finals the drivers get a 3 min run on each lane with the total distance to count. The final result is decided by the distance covered in the finals. You can win overall (or come last) in any final.
NEW FOR 2023 A sub class championship for racers using cars powered with motors eligible for Intro 32 cars (Hawk 7, Hawk 7BB, Eagle etc.) with appropriate class bodies and in production saloon the appropriate class chassis. This will be open to any racers who have never been Premier Grade.
Lane Changes in Segmented Racing
During lane changes the only work on cars permitted is changing the lane sticker, straightening the braids, body and chassis by hand and pushing the pins in. No tools and no fluids are allowed. No spares may be fitted.
Any variation in this rule must be stated by the organisers in supplementary regulations.
Alternative motors for 1/24 Production.
The 1/24 Production class at BOC rounds is primarily for Group 12 powered cars or the Hawk etc. powered cars in the sub class, but alternatives are permitted as follows
1 Premier grade drivers must use Group 12 motors in 1/24 Production
2 Non-
Restrictions on the above motors
G12 -
S Wasp etc. -
Contender -
Falcon and Hawks -
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