John Ballard's 1975 Saloon Winner

It's not often you see a Nationals winning car from several decades ago unused since the day it won - but that's just what we've got - I'll let John tell the story

""I went to university in 1975 and as I had qualified for the nationals that year I decided to attend. I was surprised to get a good lane in the final despite not being the fastest qualifier. It was a good race and I was continually under pressure from Ian Jensen (what a brilliant driver) the whole time. I remember coming off and Derek Cooper putting me back on very quickly. The last lap was the slowest I ever did so that I didn't give up my lead! After the nationals the car box went into the attic and I have hardly looked at it since.

It's interesting to see that Ian Fisher, Derek Cooper and Chris Frost are still racing (must be old like me now!).

I came across the website and saw the request for photos and so I've attached some of my 1975 saloon car. It must look really dated now!

Note the HB sticker. The 'B' in HB has clearly gone on to bigger and better things!

John Ballard"

Chassis - top view   

Chassis underside

The winnning car with body

How dated does the car look?  This is a well built  example of a typical quick car of the time.    The Mura C can is exactly the same size as the motor cans we use in saloon today - although motors are a good deal lighter now. The Cox gear is 48 pitch - 6:28 was a popular gear ratios  in those days ( that's 4.66:1 - some saloons were running over 6:1 this year)   The edm steel chassis now in use are directly descended from  piano wire and brass chassis  like John's - but years of development have produced lighter and stronger cars with many  small changes in hinges and flex adding up to a quicker car .  The rotating 3/32 axle for the front wheels is certainly higher and heavier than today's set ups.  Orange rear tyres were just about universal at the time - they have now oxidized to the point where they won't provide any decent amount of grip!

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Copyright © 2005 British Slot Car Racing Association  Photographs are copyright John Ballard